Sunday, October 3, 2010

Oct 3rd 2010 Volunteering with a Friend

(4:15 am) I am up a bit early today because on of my dear friends, Adrienne, has decided to join me in volunteering. She has been thinking of doing it for quite a while now, but has been very busy. I am glad she is going to go because I think she will truly enjoy it. She has an amazing heart.

I had already signed up last week for the next month. Apparently you can only sign up four times at a time. I went into the website to change the number of volunteers (was 1) but when I tried to update to 2 it said they were full. We are going to try to wing it and I doubt they would turn her away. I know she wanted to do this for the community service she has to do for her marital arts. She is testing to be a black belt!

I hope it is a good experience for her as I would love for her to come back. Will write about everything when I get back. We are thinking of having breakfast after. I found a cool place not to far called Pete's Kitchen. "Pete" restuarants are littered all over Denver and go way back to teh 50s.

Be back in a bit to tell how it went.
(9:54am) I just got back form volunteering. I texted Adrienne at 5:25 and unfortunately she over slept. No worries there is always another day to go. She felt very bad but I told her not to worry about it. There is forever to volunteer and she is going to go with me next week. She wanted to take me to breakfast to make up for it, but honestly it was so early and she was up late with company.

We went to a place called Pete's Kitchen. Pete has many restaurants around town and I hear they all are pretty good. The walls were adorned with "best in westword and Denver and other places" with various years attached to them. I got a huge breakfast burrito smothered in green Chili. I LOVE good green chili and this was not bad. Adrienne had an omelet and we spoke about our week and that hopefully we can both volunteer next week. Adrienne is awesome and I love hanging out with her.

So volunteering itself was fun, I tore up lettuce and tomatoes and mixed salads. Then I served breakfast by handing out trays. They rearranged the dining area so it was a bit cramped. It went smooth and I had fun.

I look forward to the colder months so I can volunteer more.
There are a lot of opportunities.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE Pete's Kitchen! Their hot hamburger is so good. Open-faced burger smothered in chili. Make sure to ask them to add cheese.
