Thursday, April 30, 2009

First blog ever...

Hello all, I am Sengoret... or Mark to those that know me. I am a moderately happy 35 year old male living in Aurora, Colorado. I am currently single and live by myself. I have a job that I've been at for over 9 years. I am a software engineer but I'm more of a troubleshooter and fixer. I have amazing friends that I don't spend as much time with because they all have families now. I broke up with my girlfriend a year ago and haven't really put myself out there. In other words, I don't drink and meeting new people is tough. I'll talk about that another time.

I'm starting this blog as an outlet and a way to share thoughts and things that are going on with my life. Perhaps no one will read these, but maybe some will. That would be cool to share and get stuff off my chest that I may not normally express. Either way if you read this, I hope you enjoy it and If you want to share, please do. This will not be all about gaming, guild, and nerd stuff, but also about me and what im about.. my secret life away from Warcraft.

The title of my blog comes from a game that i have been playing for 4 years. The game of course is World of Warcraft. "World of warcrack", "world of drain your life", pick your favorite name, but if you like video games and tried Warcraft, you would get the appeal instantly. The game is so in depth and detailed that just installing and looking at the scenery is amazing. When I first logged in i saw things I never saw before in a video game. Little things like a rabbit hopping by minding its own business AND I can kill it. now thats a game.

Anyway, If you know anything about Warcraft or RPG's you will know what a guild is. Well, I have only been in one guild ever and that is my own. I am the Guild Master of Wayward enforcers ( My IRL (in real life) friend Mike and I started this guild over 3 years ago just because we wanted to be able to communciate and help each other out. Not that it was hard but we get a cool "tabard" and a cool name. He picked the tabard and I picked the name. Wayward Enforcers was born! It's amazing to see where the guild was to where we started. We didnt know 10 people on the server let alone ask random people to join (you have to have 10 to start a guild) and now we have over 360 members. Being the Guild Master I am the leader. This has not been easy with work, family, friends, dishes and laundry to do.

Through the years many many many people have come in and out through the guild. I have seem good players, great players and horrible players. I have seen young and old of both genders and find that most people are inherently good. I have run into people that I actually find dispicable and wouldn't want them near my family. But most of all, I believe I have truly found real, honest to goodness friends. People I would actually meet in real life and hang out. I have found that you can develop relationships on many levels with people in the game, where you can actually trust. Being a Guild Master you actually have to put some amount of trust in people.

I find playing this game as a very interesting study in social behavior as we will see in future blogs. I want to use my unique brand of humor (um what?) to make this as interesting as possible. Please if you have anything you wanna talk about, or want me to, let me know

Be well and don't stand in shit!

1 comment:

  1. I'm pleased that you are writing, my friend, and I look forward to your insight. Being a GM is a thankless task, too often improperly dismissed as either easy or unimportant (or both). You are a fine leader, and WE is lucky to have you.
